Assessments in Window 5

6/1 – 25/1

Find out what assessments are happening in the current assessment window, with links to appropriate revision resources. Check the full assessment schedule to see what’s coming up later in the year.

Year 7


Writing paragraph points Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to writing points

Selecting relevant, meaningful evidence Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to choosing good evidence

3 Grammar and syntax Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Declarative sentence, Exclamatory sentence, Imperative sentence, Interrogative sentence, Relative clause, Simple sentence, Subordinate clause
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Creating a character Bonus Skill Check

Describing a setting in vivid detail Bonus Skill Check

Lexis and semantics Bonus Knowledge Check

Year 8


Writing direct speech Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to direct speech

Using 3rd person limited narrative voice Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to 3rd person limited

3 Lexis and semantics Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Antonym, Connotations, Euphemism, Figurative language, Imagery, Semantic field, Synonym
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Analysing language, form and structure Bonus Skill Check

Linking analysis to big ideas Bonus Skill Check

Grammar and syntax Bonus Knowledge Check

Year 9


Analysing language, form and structure Skill Check
- Revise with the second and third guides in our series on this skill

Linking analysis to context and the writer’s perspective Skill Check
- Revise with our guide to this skill

3 Lexis and semantics Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Antonym, Connotations, Euphemism, Figurative language, Idiom, Imagery, Semantic field, Synonym
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Making an argument Bonus Skill Check

Linking analysis to context and the writer’s perspective Bonus Skill Check

Grammar and syntax Bonus Knowledge Check

Year 10


Embedding and contextualising evidence Skill Check
- Revise how to figure out the context with this guide and how to embed quotations with this guide

Creating a conceptualised response around a clear thesis Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to this skill

Creating an effective structure (fiction) Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to this skill

3 Lexis and semantics Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Antonym, Connotations, Euphemism, Figurative language, Idiom, Imagery, Irony, Semantic field, Subtext, Synonym
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Analysing language, form and structure Bonus Skill Check

Creating a conceptualised response around a clear thesis Bonus Skill Check

Grammar and syntax Bonus Knowledge Check