Useful websites

Below is a list of useful websites for English revision. There are, of course, other websites with useful information for English, not least YouTube, but this list is designed to point you in the direction of things that you may not be aware of. We will continue to add to this as we discover more useful websites. If there are websites that you find helpful which are not on this list, please email Mr Andrews, and he will add them to this list.

Massolit - There are loads of fantastic videos about English Literature texts on this website, which the school subscribes to. They’re all delivered by university professors, so the information is very reliable. To login, simply sign-up with your school email address. If you can’t remember your password, use the password reminder system. There’s also a really handy app that you can download for your phone.

LitCharts - There are lots of websites with study guides for Literature texts, but this is a really good one, not least because it allows you to download the information in PDF form.

ChompChomp - This is a useful site for brushing up on your grammar and technical accuracy.

Grammar Monster - This is another useful site for learning grammar.