Super-curricular reading tasks

These tasks are part are our new Enrichment Level system for Year 9 and 10 only. They are about reading literature and should be done in conjunction with the research tasks, perhaps reading a text and then researching it, or the other way around. Or you can just read, without worrying about the research part. Come to your Enrichment Day to receive the rewards for completing these tasks.

Website exclusive reading tasks

We will be adding new tasks to this section of the site over the course of the academic year.

General reading tasks — for students in Year 9 and above

Read any text from our Literature Playlists

Choose any one of the texts from the Literature Playlists and read it. You might want to start with the ones that are marked as recommended reads, but it’s up to you. Once you’ve read the text, you’ll need to come to Enrichment Day and talk to a teacher to prove you did it.

REWARD: 2 Enrichment Levels

Read any modern adult novel and write a review

Read a modern novel (anything from the last 5 years) that is written for adults (e.g. not a YA novel) and then write a review of it. Show the book itself and the review you’ve written on Enrichment Day to receive the reward.

REWARD: 2 Enrichment Levels

Talk about a book you’re currently reading

It’s very important to always be reading something, no matter what it is. Show you are currently reading something by coming to Enrichment Day and talking to a teacher about your current read. Share the story, characters, and themes. You can only share each ‘currently reading’ book once.

REWARD: 1 Enrichment Level

Read an English-relevant non-fiction book

Read a non-fiction book which is relevant to English in some way. This could be a history book about a relevant period, or a biography of a writer, or a memoir written by a writer. You can even read some literary criticism of a text you are studying (ask you’re teacher about how to do this). Once you’ve read the book, talk to a teacher about it to earn the reward.

REWARD: 1-3 Enrichment Levels (depending on what you read)

Read some poetry and talk about it

Poetry is such a huge part of English Literature and it’s something that is rarely read by teenagers outside of the classroom (or adults for that matter). Buck this trend and read some poetry that you’re not being taught in class. Then come to Enrichment Day and share the poems you’ve read with a teacher. You can use some of the poets and poems in our Literature Playlists, or the ones in the poetry anthologies on our website. Or you can just find some for yourself – it’s up to you.

REWARD: 1-2 Enrichment Levels (depending on what you read)

GCSE reading tasks — for students in Year 10 and above

Create a portfolio of shortform non-fiction texts

Read 5 short non-fiction texts, one of each type you have to write at GCSE (an article, a speech, a letter, a leaflet, an essay). Organise the texts you’ve read into a digital or print portfolio and share the portfolio with a teacher and talk a bit about the texts to earn the reward.

REWARD: 2 Enrichment Levels