How to write a describe/narrate piece of fiction
All of the content for creative writing has been consolidated into the creative writing guides section of our website. You should look at the guides to the different areas of writing that are relevant to this task. They are listed below.
NOTE FOR YEAR 10: On 30th January 2025 AQA announced that they are making changes to the English Language GCSE for 2026. One of the more significant changes is to the wording of this question, which will now allow students to write the “opening of a story”. The mark scheme for this question is also changing slightly. Once we have a clearer idea of how this question will be marked, and in particular what they want from a story “opening” in terms of structure and resolution, we will make the necessary changes to our guides.
This guide is part of the English Language Paper 1 series:
Paper 1 Question 5 - writing to describe/narrate
Relevant creative writing guides for English Language Paper 1 Question 5
The following guides are specifically focussed on this task: