Assessments in Window 7

24/2 – 14/3

Find out what assessments are happening in the current assessment window, with links to appropriate revision resources. Check the full assessment schedule to see what’s coming up later in the year.

Year 7


Essay writing holistic assessment - you will be assessed on all four Year 7 essay writing skills

3 Discourse Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Antagonist, Biography, Fiction, Paragraph, Prose, Suspense, Tension
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Embedding and contextualising evidence Bonus Skill Check

Making an argument Bonus Skill Check

Year 8


Creating a character Skill Check
- Revise using this guide

Describing a setting in vivid detail Skill Check
- Revise using this guide

3 Discourse Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Biography, Pathetic fallacy, Direct address, Unreliable narrator, Dramatic irony, Form, Paragraph, Prose, Suspense, Tension
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments


Year 9


Full GCSE-style essay on ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’
- Revise using your copy of the story and notes from class; you can also revise the skills you’re least confident with using our essay writing guides

3 Rhetorical devices Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Alliteration, Assonance, Listing, Metaphor, Oxymoron, Personification, Repetition, Rule of three, Sibilance, Simile
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Creating a conceptualised response around a clear thesis Bonus Skill Check

Writing an opening and matched closing Bonus Skill Check

Year 10


Linking analysis to big ideas Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to this skill

Linking analysis to context and the writer’s perspective Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to this skill

Creating a character Skill Check
- Revise using our guide to this skill

3 Rhetorical devices Knowledge Checks
The terms you’ll need to know are: Alliteration, Assonance, Listing, Metaphor, Oxymoron, Personification, Repetition, Rule of three, Sibilance, Simile
Revise using the Glossary

Optional bonus assessments

Selecting relevant, meaningful evidence Bonus Skill Check

Analysing language, form and structure Bonus Skill Check